We have a theory about this, and since you’ve been good enough to click on this subject, we hope you’ll be interested to hear it. We find that people who are genuinely not interested in veganism don’t visit vegan websites and social media pages, and don’t feel the need to try and taunt vegans by telling them about the foods they eat. So, could it be that those who do this realize deep down that there is something a bit “off” about eating meat, even if they can’t admit it to themselves?
Most of us don’t want to see what happens inside intensive farms and slaughterhouses, and most of us don’t like to think about leaving our children an uninhabitable planet, and so it is quite normal for the shutters to come down, and the defenses to come up when it comes to the impact of our diets.
But the first thing we would say is that red meat is associated with an increased risk of colorectal, prostate, and pancreatic cancers, while all processed meats have been found to cause cancer. So, what we hear when people tell us they’re eating meat right now is this: “I’m raising my risk of bowel cancer! There, take that, vegans!”
And our response is always this: please be kind to yourself.
Since vegans tend to live longer, healthier lives, quitting meat is an act of kindness to yourself, and it’s also a kindness to your family. They don’t want to lose you to heart disease, bowel cancer, or type 2 diabetes, and nor do they want to inherit these diseases because they have inherited unhealthy eating patterns.
You may not see yourself as a vegan (nor did any of us until we finally chose that path), and you may never wish to label yourself as one, but take a look at these Success Stories, and you’ll see why so many people from all walks of life are changing the way they eat and benefitting hugely from it. And all because they were willing to try something new.
If you love steak, you’ll be delighted to learn that there are plant-based steaks that look, cook and taste just like meat, but without all the negative aspects. There are also plant-based burgers, hot dogs, bacon, fish products, chicken nuggets, and every other kind of meat, so you can have all the flavors and meals you love, with none of the downsides.