Sanctuary is an animated short film created by GenV, available in four languages and narrated by a star-studded cast. It is a heartwarming story of the rescue of a dairy cow from a slaughterhouse and this blog is a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the creative process that brought the film to life.
In a world where countless farmed animals endure inhumane treatment and live deeply unhappy lives, Sanctuary stands out as a beacon of hope and compassion. Written by Isa Siano, this 4-minute animated short film tells this poignant story through the eyes of a little girl, Indigo.
Indigo is a joyful and fearless child who has always lived at an animal sanctuary with her mother, Maria. Like any parent, Maria wants to protect her child for as long as she can from the harsh realities of the world. But Indigo has other plans.
The idea for the film came to Isa after reading about the real-life rescues of the Marias—pigs rescued after a truck crashed in Brazil—and Indigo, a calf rescued at birth from a US slaughterhouse. Isa wanted to bring these stories to a wider audience and began to carefully craft a detailed script that laid the foundation for her vision. Then, that script was transformed into a storyboard, which guided the animator as they worked together to bring Isa’s dream to life.
Sanctuary was narrated in four languages by high-profile celebrities, who are all vegan themselves. Evanna Lynch lends her voice to the English version, Xuxa Meneghel to the Portuguese, Sneha Ullal to the Hindi, and Marcela Kloosterboer to the Spanish version.
“Writing this animation has been an incredibly rewarding experience,” says Isa Siano. Every step of the process filled me with joy as I brought to life the story of Indigo and her mom, reflecting the compassion and love I believe all animals deserve. Through this animation, I want to showcase the beauty of the connection between humans and animals when they are given the opportunity to live in freedom and harmony.”
Isabel adds, “It’s important to me that the audience sees the potential for a world where all living beings are respected and loved. With the inspiring voices of Xuxa, Sneha, Marcela, and Evanna, I hope this story touches hearts and encourages more people to imagine and create a kinder future for the animals.”
This animated short is a powerful example of how storytelling can advocate for animal rights, offering a message that resonates with audiences of all ages. With its heartfelt narrative and meticulous animation, Sanctuary highlights the vital role of compassion in action and the transformative impact of sanctuaries. As viewers around the world experience this touching story, Isa hopes that it will inspire a shift in how people see animals and motivate them to put their own compassion into action by choosing a plant-based diet and supporting animal rescue and rights initiatives.
Sanctuary is more than an animated film; it’s a powerful statement about the power of compassion and the sanctity of animals’ lives.
Sanctuary was written by Isa Siano and directed by Isa Siano & Christopher Shoebridge. Sound design was by Dan Pugsley, character design by Ruben Díaz, illustrations by Ileana Martínez, and it was animated by Karla Núñez de Madariaga.
Watch the film on YouTube here: