Whole Food, Plant-Based Goodness:
- Fruits: Berries, citrus fruits, pears, peaches, pineapple, bananas, apples, avocados
- Vegetables: Kale, spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, asparagus, peppers, mushrooms
- Starchy vegetables: Potatoes, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, parsnips
- Whole grains: Brown rice, rolled oats, farro, quinoa, brown rice pasta, barley, wholewheat bread
- Legumes: Peas, garbanzo beans, lentils, peanuts, black beans, kidney beans
- Seeds, nuts and nut butters: Almonds, cashews, macadamia nuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, natural peanut butter, tahini
- Unsweetened plant milks: Coconut milk, almond milk, cashew milk, oat milk, rice milk
- Spices, herbs and seasonings: Basil, rosemary, mint, turmeric, cumin, black pepper, garlic, paprika
- Condiments (without added sugar): Salsa, mustard, nutritional yeast, soy sauce, vinegar, lemon juice
- Plant-based protein*: Tofu, tempeh, seitan, beans, nuts
- Beverages: Coffee, tea, sparkling water
* If you are looking for large amounts of protein to build muscle in the gym, for example, you can include plant-based protein powders
- Fast food: French fries, cheeseburgers, hot dogs, chicken nuggets
- Added sugars and sweeteners: Table sugar, soda, juice, pastries, cookies, candy, sweet tea, sugary cereals
- Refined grains: White rice, white pasta, white bread, bagels
- Packaged and convenience foods: Chips, crackers, cereal bars, frozen dinners
- Processed vegan foods: Plant-based meats, faux cheeses, vegan butters
- Artificial sweeteners
- Animal products: meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, gelatin, casein, whey
Recommended Healthy Recipe Sources:
- Engine 2 Diet, by Rip Esselstyn
- How Not To Die Cookbook, by Dr Michael Greger
- Cookbook for Reversing Diabetes, by Dr. Neal Barnard.
- Forks Over Knives Cookbook, by Del Soufre
- The China Study Cookbook, by LeAnne Campbell
- Get Healthy, Go Vegan cookbook, by Dr. Neal Barnard
- The Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease Cookbook, by Ann & Jane Esselstyn
- Oh She Glows cookbook, by Angela Lidden
- The No Meat Athlete Cookbook, by Matt Frazier & Stefanie Romine
- Thrive Energy Cookbook, by Brendan Brazier
Online support groups
- Forks Over Knives Official Plant-Based Group
- T. Colin Campbell Plant-Based Nutrition
- 100% Esselstyn Nutrition Forum
- McDougall WFPB
- Whole Foods Plant Based No Oil Recipe Share